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Young Professionals

A large group of young Jewish professionals come to Hong Kong for work from all over the world. We regularly hold Shabbat dinners, with guest speakers, to facilitate friendships and more within this group.

If you would like to attend one of these dinners, please click to contact us via our YJP WhatsApp chat group or email us and we will be sure to invite you.


New to Hong Kong? Looking for someone to talk to about the direction of your career? Have you considered Ment’OLS, Ohel Leah’s mentorship programme for young professionals 23 – 35 years of age?

We have identified a number of senior professionals who hold key positions in the areas of finance, law and entrepreneurship. These professionals have agreed to serve as mentors to a limited number of mentees. Once we receive your application, we will match you up with a mentor. Mentors have agreed to meet three to six times / year and meetings will typically run between 30 and 60 minutes.

Please note that this is not a job referral service. It is designed to be a mature source of independent guidance and advice for those contemplating their career choices.

Please email us if you're interested in the mentorship programme.

Young Professionals | Ohel Leah Synagogue