
一個多世紀以來,Ohel Leah 一直是重要的公共機構。我們一直依賴那些喜歡我們真正獨特的會眾的人的慷慨和善良。



  • 選項1.掃描二維碼使用PayMe:


  • 選項 2. 向您的 JCC 帳戶收費或透過支票捐款。
  • 選項 3. 透過 Shopify 付款使用您的信用卡安全地進行捐贈。


如果您在捐款時犯了錯誤,或改變了向 Ohel Leah Synagogue Charity 捐款的想法,我們將在捐款後 15 天內尊重您的退款要求。

如需申請退款,請致電 (852) 2589 2621。退款將以原來的付款方式退回。如果您透過信用卡捐款,您的退款將記入同一張信用卡。 

Donation, Membership and Event Fee Return Policy 

If you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to Ohel Leah Synagogue Charity, we will honor your request for a refund made within 15 days of your donation.

To request a refund, call (852) 2589 2621. Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card.